Oria 20 Month Update!

July the 19th marked 20 months since our dear daughter Oria arrived Earthside…we feel very blessed 🙂 Here’s an update on her last month here, including footage of her in the swimming pool and on the trampoline ;0

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All love,
Angela. xxx

Interview with 20+ year Raw Foodist, Kate Magic!

Recently I had the opportunity to interview Kate Magic, 20+ year raw foodist, mother, writer, author, artist, chef, DJ and much more…she shares with us about her new book, raising her children raw and what that looks like as they become teenagers, her journey into healthier living, her typical daily intake now, tips for helping children to eat more healthily and much more – ENJOY!

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All love,
Angelalalalaaaaaa. xxx

Effective Communication Strategies for Meetings, with Susan Davis!

Recently, my dear friend Susan of FincaSagrada.com and CapitalMissions.com dropped by and was mentioning to me how effective her group meetings have been lately, using a certain communication strategy. I LOVED what she was saying, so grabbed out my camera  to share this valuable info with y’all…ENJOY :)))

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With resonance of joy,
Angelalalaaaaaaaa. xxx